XIX Congreso ALFAL: Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina
Pragmática del Español: Fundaciones e Interfaces
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Brasil-Brasilia: 11:00AM / Central European Time: 4:00 PM / Central Standard Time: 9:00AM; Eastern Standard Time: 10AM
Organizadores / Editores
Dr. César Félix-Brasdefer, Indiana University (cfelixbr@indiana.edu)
Dra. Dale A. Koike, University of Texas at Austin (d.koike@utexas.edu)
Conexión por YouTube: https://youtu.be/UiGbCQrifG0
The objective of this panel is to present theoretical and methodological contributions of the first handbook of Spanish Pragmatics (Routledge, 2021). The presenters will show advances of current topics in pragmatics such as speech acts, deixis, word order, pragmatic variation, address forms, discourse, and research methods.
Flyer in Spanish - PANEL ALFAL, Spanish Pragmatics, August 12, 2021
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics is the first volume to offer a comprehensive overview of advances in Spanish Pragmatics, addressing different types of interaction and the variables, both social and linguistic, that can affect them. Written by a diverse set of experts in the field, the handbook unifies two major approaches to the study of pragmatics, the Anglo-American and European Continental traditions. Thirty-three chapters cover in detail both pragmatic foundations (e.g. speech act theory, implicature and relevance, deixis) and interfaces with other concepts, including discourse, variation, culture and intercultures, (im)politeness and humor, learning contexts and teaching, pragmatics and digital contexts, and research methodology.

“Discurso y argumentación”

“Actos de habla”

“Deixis y referencia”

“Variación de formas de tratamiento”

“Orden de palabras”

“Variación pragmática regional”

“Métodos de investigación en pragmática"